Friday, March 29, 2019

Top 3 Work at Home Opportunities of 2021!

The Benefits of Working from Home

Work at home. Set your own hours. Be your own boss. Have the time and financial freedom to do the things you've always dreamed of!  Yes, it truly has become the 21st-century definition of the "American dream", and now in 2021, with the pandemic moving everythiing online, could be A BETTER TIME to start than ever!

The Sad Truth about Working from Home

For most people, unfortunately, it remains just that - a dream! They quickly they get lost in the sea of thousands of poorly organized websites, even getting sucked into the all-time-dreaded Work at Home Scams, the sites that promise the world for no or minimal effort on your part - in return for a fee.

Most people, misinformed, or flat-out swindled, quickly give up on their dream!

About Me (And What I Can Do for You)

My name is Ado Djulbey (that's the short version LOL). Anyway, after 15+ years experience of working from home (on and off), years of research, trial and error, weeding out the scams from the legitimate opps, the more profitable from the less, and running multiple successful websites (including a work at home review site of my own), I can definitely tell you what works, what doesn't, and how well it works...

In the article below, I have shared with you what I believe to be the Top 3 Work at Home Opportunities of 2020, saving you all the time, wasted money, and trial and error I had to go through.  

Also be sure to sign up for my newsletter and I'll keep you updated with even more amazing opportunities...


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Work at Home Opp #1 - Affiliate Marketing (TOP PICK!)

Affiliate marketing is the name of the game and it's how the "Top Dogs" are doing it. It's basically promoting other people's products on Google ads and other platforms for a nice cut of the profits. The best thing is - you don't need a full-blown website or your own product!

You can promote physical products (such as you would find on Amazon) or digital goods (ebooks, software, etc.). The great thing about digital products is that it's 100% PROFIT, so the commissions can be as high as 75%!

I will be straightforward with you - it's not impossible to make $40,000-$50,000 a month doing this. I, myself have made $20,000/mo. back in 2007, and then it eventually dropped to $3000, as Google got over-saturated. But I'm talking about AUTOMATED INCOME here - so automated, that once you set it up, you don't know what to do with the rest of your day!

Now, I don't want to get your hopes up too quickly, as I believe in being 100% honest with you. It will take patience, a bit of a learning curve, and some trial and error, but if you're anything at all like me, don't mind taking risks, and don't give up too easily, then definitely give it a shot!

The best place I believe to start is WEALTHY AFFILIATE, with loads of FREE content such as courses, video tutorials, even live chat with professionals!

Work at Home Opp #2 - Affiliate Marketing (Alternative)

Another good place to get started with affiliate marketing is G-Sniper, however, a bit more advanced and using some unconventional methods.  Now the guy behind it does remind me of the Wolf from Wall Street a bit, but don't worry, he's 100% legit. It does have a start-up cost, but well worth the price if you ask me:

UPDATE March, 2020 some (not all) of the tecniques outlined here may be a little outdated.

Work at Home Opp #3 - Paid Surveys

Ok, so if all of this business mumbo-jumbo is overwhelming for you, and you just want to make some quick money on the side the easy way, than paid surveys may be the way for you.

The way it works is, you log in a few minutes each day, answer a bunch of questions about products and services that you already use, and voila - watch your PayPal account grow!  You will also get invited to a focus group from time to time (to a physical place or online) which can drastically increase your income. Focus groups will mostly work for major cities in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and Australia.

Just please realize that you will not become a millionaire doing this, as some of these web-sites will have you believe. However, a good $200-$300 side income is safe to expect, along with gift-cards, coupons, and vouchers, and all for just minutes to an hour per day.

As one company will never send out enough surveys/focus group requests for you to make any decent money, so you will need to sign up with many survey companies.  Then weed out the legit and paying survey companies from the scams, fraudulent companies, etc...

The best way to go is with an online surveys database, that take care of this for you and save you the headache. But very careful which website you go through, as some of them list spammers, outdated and fraudulent companies.

The one I'm going to recommend is ClickEarners. Not only do they have a database of market research companies ready to pay you for surveys, but also some other cool ways to make money online and off, such as product testing, mystery shopping, etc.


Well, there you have it - My Top 3 Work At Home Opportunities of 2021 - I really hope you found this article useful and I will keep you updated on anything I come across in the future. For more tips, valuable info and heads up on GREAT work at home opps, sign up for my newsletter:

To Your Success,

Ado Djulbey,
WAH Expert

P.S. If you need help with anything, feel free to contact me via the contact form on this website.

Disclaimer: results are individual and are not guaranteed. Success with affiliate marketing will depend on the time, effort invested and other factors we have no control over.

This site contains affiliate links, which means if you should happen to purchase through our website, we receive a small commission. This blog is not affiliated with Google or Facebok.

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